Victor Gabriel Gilbert - Buy Fine Paintings Online

Victor Gabriel Gilbert Paintings

1847 - 1933

Victor Gilbert Paintings

Victor Gabriel Gilbert was a pupil of Victor Adam and Charles Busson. He painted many figures and portraits of fashionable ladies and young girls as well as views of Paris enlivened with flower-sellers. Victor Gilbert was best known for his vegetable, poultry and fish-market scenes, and, above all, his flower markets. In Normandy he painted cliff landscapes and harbour scenes. He also executed decorative paintings for the Town Hall of Paris.

Victor Gilbert exhibited regularly at the Salon des Artistes Français winning a silver medal in 1889 and was awarded the Léon Bonnard prize in 1926. He became a Chevalier of the Légion d’Honneur in 1897.

Museum and Gallery Holdings

Bayeux: Young Lady
Besançon: Mutual Advice
Dieppe: Nonchalance
Le Havre: Les Halles, Le Carreau; Dreaming
Liège: Les Halles in the Morning
Lille: Corner of the Fish Market in the Morning
Nice: Banks of the Eure
Strasbourg: Woman Selling Poultry

Victor Gilbert Paintings