Camille Hilaire - Buy Fine Paintings Online

Camille Hilaire Paintings

1916 - 1988

Camille Hilaire was a pupil at the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris. He also worked in the free academies, including that of André Lhote, whose teaching had a major influence on his work.

He executed numerous mural decorations, tapestries, stained glass windows and mosaics for embassies, cruise liners and public buildings, especially in Nancy. His work was abundant and clearly decorative in a style of Post-Cubist construction with a broad range of colour in acid tones. He is particularly known for his Orchestras, Horse Races and 1950 Greenhouses. He taught at the École des Beaux-Arts first in Nancy, then in Paris.

Camille Hilaire participated in numerous collective exhibitions in Paris including: Salon d’Automne, Salon des Indépendants, Salon des Tuileries, Salon de Mai, Salon des Peintres Témoins de leur Temps. He also exhibited abroad. Solo exhibitions include: Paris (1951, 1957, 1961, 1965); New York (1954 and 1956; Geneva (1958). He received numerous awards: a travel grant from the French State (1947); Venice prize (1949) Antral and Casa Velázquez prizes (1950); Prix de la Société des Amateurs d’Art (1958)

Museum and Gallery Holdings

Épinal (Mus. départemental d’Art ancien et contemporain): Landscape
Paris (MAMVP)
Paris (MNAM-CCI)