Norbert Goeneutte - Buy Fine Paintings Online

Norbert Goeneutte Paintings

1854 - 1894

Goeneutte studied under Pils and exhibited at the Salon from 1876 onwards. He was one of the organisers of the painter/engraver exhibitions ( Expositions des Peintres-Graveurs). His principal preoccupation lay in capturing scenes from everyday life in Paris, portraying its citizens and, above all, the women of the city. There is a discernible influence of Raffaëlli, although Goeneutte lacks the latter’s expressive intensity. Examples of his work include Classroom, Boulevard de Clichy in the Snow, Arrival of the Wedding Party, Woman in Pink and Morning Gruel.Examples of Goeneutte’s work were featured in the exhibition To Copy: From Turner to Picasso – 300 Works Inspired by the Masters of the Louvre ( Copier Créer. De Turner à Picasso: 300 œuvres inspirées par les maîtres du Louvre), an exhibition held in the Louvre in 1993. His body of work was also put on show in Pontoise Museum in 1994.

Museum and Gallery Holdings

Liège: Waiting
Paris (MAM): Morning Gruel; Marcella (watercolour)