Lucien Genin - Buy Fine Paintings Online

Lucien Genin Paintings

1894 - 1953

Lucien Génin came from a family of stone-cutters. He first studied at the art school in Rouen, then in 1919 entered the École des Arts Décoratifs in Paris. He settled in Montmartre early in the 1920s, and in 1936 moved to the Latin Quarter. Although he had received a thorough training, he created his own completely spontaneous technique aiming at approaching his subjects with a fresh look. Beside a few views of Rouen, Lorient, Dinan and Villefranche-sur-Mer, Génin specialised in the popular theme of views of Paris. He worked swiftly, making rapid jottings, and thus could produce many paintings. At auction his pictures were sometimes sold in lots. He painted both in oils and in gouache.

Lucien Génin showed work at the Salon d’Automne in 1926 and 1930. His work featured at the Marcel Aymé and the Painters exhibition, Galerie Roussard, Paris. Solo exhibitions include: Galerie Bernard, Paris (1944 and 1947); Galerie Aymonier, Paris (1960). Posthumous exhibitions include: Galerie J.M. Bernard, Paris (1954); Musée du Vieux Montmartre, Paris (1990). In 1932 he was awarded a prize by the Chicago Art Institute.

Museum and Gallery Holdings

Lyons (MBA)
Nogent-sur-Marne (Mus.): Tanton Casino and the Marne (gouache)
Paris (MAMVP)