Jules Eugene Pages - Buy Fine Paintings Online

Jules Eugene Pages Paintings

1867 - 1946

Jules Eugène Pagès was born in San Francisco and died in Paris. He was a pupil in Paris of Constant, Lefebvre and Robert-Fleury, was appointed as a professor at the Académie Julian in 1902. He was awarded an honourable mention in Paris at the Salon des Artistes Français in 1895, a third-class medal in 1899, and a second-class medal in 1905. He was made a Chevalier of the Légion d’Honneur in 1910. He exhibited widely in the United States especially in his hometown of San Francisco and often painted there.

Museum and Gallery Holdings

Paris (MAM)
San Francisco (California Palace of the Legion of Honor): Gossip Brittany (etching and aquatint)
San Francisco (De Young Mus.): Versailles (oil on canvas)