George Hyde Pownall - Buy Fine Paintings Online

George Hyde Pownall Paintings

1876 - 1932

George Hyde-Pownall was an Australian-born artist who was also a musician and a composer. He is known for his views of London and his depictions of city life in popular urban locations such as Piccadilly Circus, the West End and Eaton Square. In his landscapes Hyde-Pownall also captured some of the most emblematic sites of London, including Hyde Park, the Embankment, the Houses of Parliament, Tower Bridge and St Paul’s Cathedral. His work was influenced by the school of Impressionism and this is reflected in his use of colour and light.
Museum and Gallery Holdings

Cambridge (Fitzwilliam Mus.): Woman and Child with a Scooter – sketch of relief in Bruges Cathedral (graphite on paper laid on card)
Melbourne (State Library of Victoria): Melbourne from Victoria Gardens (c. 1911-1930)