Gaston Prunier - Buy Fine Paintings Online

Gaston Prunier Paintings

1863 - 1927

Gaston Prunier was a student of Lhuillier in Le Havre. He settled in Paris in 1887.


Prunier established himself as a painter of working-class areas and scenes containing fortifications and natural and man-made architecture, such as cathedrals and mountains, houses under construction or being demolished and sheer rocks. His watercolours are characterised by a wide range of techniques and strong outlines, as well as a taste for ascending lines and low horizons. Among his works are La Rue Réamur, 1906, The Thames 1908, The Weekly Break 1909, Lake Majou, 1911, and several views of Brittany and the Pyrenées. He was also commissioned to decorate the church of St-Palais in the Atlantic Pyrennees in 1894.


Prunier began to exhibit his work in Paris in 1899 under the patronage of Siegfreid Bing, then at the Société Nationale des Beaux Arts, of which he became a member in 1903, with The Cathedral in 1901, and Building Site in 1902.


Museum and Gallery Holdings



Le Havre


Paris: Sunday at the Fortifications (1904)

Paris (former Mus. du Luxembourg)

Paris (Mus. Carnavalet): The Saint Martin Canal
