art post impressionism art post impressionism

Art Post-Impressionism

Robert Antoine Pinchon, 1910

art post impressionism art post impressionism

Art Post-Impressionism

Marius Borgeaud, 1912

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Art Post-Impressionism

Maximilien Luce, c. 1899

Art Post Impressionism

Art Post Impressionism is a highly varied and complex discipline which arose because of the split from Impressionism. In essence, Post-Impressionism concerns itself with a rejection of the overly simplified view of art created by the Impressionist School. In its early days, Post-Impressionism attempted to overcome the shortcomings of the classic Impressionist movement through its rejection of the exaggerated expressive power of the brush. Instead, Post-Impressionism strove to make its paintings more relevant to the needs of the day, as well as to a broader market. The results of this movement have been profound and influential: in addition to having an enormous influence on the art of today, Post-Impressionism has had a profound effect on the structure of art itself, and the understanding of art as an artistic medium.

Impressionist paintings often display the artist’s heightened sense of aesthetic judgment and sense of purpose. These paintings emphasize the significance of feeling and understanding in painting, with works by artists such as Paul Cézanne (acknowledged as the father of post-impressionism), Camille Pissarro and Vincent van Gogh. These artists allow you to experience the full breadth of Post-Impressionist painting and gain a deeper understanding of the styles and techniques used by such influential artists.

Post Impressionist painting was a response to a society which valued superficiality above all else. As such, the style was highly individualistic, and there was no uniform style among Impressionist painters. As a result, when choosing a piece of art or a painting to hang on your wall, you should consider not only the style but also the subject. If you are looking for a piece of art that speaks to you, is relevant to your daily life, then feel free to browse our hand-picked collection here at Leighton Fine Art.

Read more on Post Impressionist paintings.

Wiki: Post Impressionism.