Winter Sunset
by Mikhail Guermacheff

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Artist biography

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Mikhail Guermacheff was born in Kharkoff, Russia and was educated in Moscow. His painting “First Snow of the Winter” is in the National Museum of Moscow. He studied at the school of fine art in Moscow; he then took part in the Moscow and St Petersburg Salons before settling in France. His snowy landscapes under a grey sky are impregnated with nostalgia for his remote homeland.. He was known as one of the best Russian painters. Guermacheff was obliged to leave Russia after the Revolution and went to live in Paris. He exhibited at the Salon de la Societe Nationale des Beaux Arts, and the Grand Palais des Champs Elysee, Paris.

Museum and Gallery Holdings

Moscow (Mus. of History)
Moscow (State Tretyakov Gal.): Snowy Day